
Oct 25, 2019 - 12:00 PM EDT


Elucidating Molecular Interactions in Synaptogenesis with Optical Pooled Screens


Synaptogenesis, the formation of new neuronal connections, plays a critical role in shaping the connectivity and function of the nervous system. Understanding the diverse molecular mechanisms driving synapse formation has remained an outstanding goal in neurobiology. However, current methods for studying synaptogenic regulators lack the throughput required to systematically probe their interactions. Here, I will discuss our efforts to develop an image-based pooled screening approach to map the regulatory networks underlying synaptogenesis.


Engineering Pathogen-mediated Proximity Labeling of the Phagosome


Tuberculosis is the leading cause of infectious disease death. The macrophage phagosome is where the primary interaction of the host with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) occurs. To directly determine the composition of an Mtb-containing phagosome, we are developing Mtb as a delivery system to perform proximity biotinylation of phagosomal proteins. Ultimately, this system will enable the identification of differentially expressed proteins within infected phagosomes to discover key contributors to Mtb control.