Linda G. Griffith, PhD

Molecular-to-systems level analysis, design, and synthesis
Design and synthesis of biomaterials that control receptor-mediated processes in highly targeted and biophysically-appropriate ways.
The Griffith group’s research encompasses molecular-to-systems level analysis, design and synthesis of biomaterials, scaffolds, devices and micro-organs for a range of applications in regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, and in vitro drug development. A central theme is connecting the experimental systems to systems biology measurements. Most projects are highly interdisciplinary and translational, involving basic scientists, clinicians, and engineers, often with industry partners, to solve important problems in medicine and biology.
Prof. Linda G. Griffith received a Bachelor’s Degree from Georgia Tech and a PhD degree from the University of California at Berkeley, both in chemical engineering. Griffith’s is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the recipient of a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, the Popular Science Brilliant 10 Award, NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, the MIT Class of 1960 Teaching Innovation Award, Radcliffe Fellow and several awards from professional societies.