Kelly A. Metcalf Pate, DVM, PhD
Director, Division of Comparative Medicine

Research Highlights
The Pate Lab is currently investigating how platelets binding to monocytes and endothelium during acute infection contributes to the pathogenesis of lentiviral infection.
Dr. Metcalf Pate’s laboratory focuses on is the elucidation of the role of platelets in the immune response to infectious disease, with a focus on the downstream effects of the platelet’s interactions with other cells throughout the pathogenesis of HIV and cytomegalovirus infection and how modulating the response of platelets to infection alters the course of disease. Recent work in her group has expanded to include the influence of environmental factors, especially social stress and the microbiome, on the immune response to viral infection, and on the translational validity and reproducibility of work with animal models. She welcomes and encourages inquiries from students of all learning levels and backgrounds who may be interested in gaining research experience within her group.
Dr. Metcalf Pate is a veterinarian-scientist with expertise in virology, platelet immunology and the development and refinement of animal models of human disease. She received her B.A. through the University Professors Program at Boston University, obtained her D.V.M. from Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, and pursued both veterinary specialty training in laboratory animal medicine and her Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Prior to joining M.I.T., she was faculty at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, where she facilitated the development and refinement of animal models of HIV pathogenesis as a chair of the Center for AIDS Research Cure Scientific Working Group, and oversaw the research training programs for veterinarians and veterinary students and founded the J.H.U. summer Veterinary Scholars Research Program and the summer Laboratory Animal Fellowship. Dr. Metcalf Pate serves on multiple national committees, including as Chair of the Animal Welfare Advisory Board for Morris Animal Foundation and as an Ad Hoc Specialist for AAALAC International.